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The project aims to provide a metered supply of treated water fit for human consumption, a household toilet connected to a septic tank, a drainage network, and a wastewater treatment facility. Imminently, through awareness of best practices, it shall prohibit contamination with animal/human waste. It will also facilitate the development of an advanced IT-based Management Information System (MIS) which will contribute to a robust impact evaluation of the project by tracking project implementation progress. It will play a key role in monitoring the water supply and sanitation service delivery performance, the flow of public and donor funds, and matters related to financial management.

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Punjab Rural Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Project ..........


This project has been designed in light of the World’s best practices for improvement of WASH sector in rural areas which is to ensure that villages are converted into a better and hygienic living place, having better life standard and improved civic amenities. The goal of the PRSWSSP is to improve sanitation condition, provide clean drinking water, improve living conditions through solid waste management, behavior change and capacity building for the sustainability of the project in rural settlements of Punjab.


The PRSWSSP aims at generating integrated benefits with the provision of safe drinking water to improve health and education with significant impact on poverty reduction, gender development, environmental improvement, and human resource development in the service areas.

  • Extend water supply, drainage, and sanitation, solid waste management coverage through a professional and demand-driven approach, to the villages that did not have access to organized water supply in rural Punjab
  • Strengthen newly constituted Tehsil Councils / Village Councils and build their capacity to manage rural water supply and sanitation schemes and improve related management functions
  • Implement a behavioral change and hygiene awareness program to help the beneficiaries in the selected villages to efficiently use, develop and maintain improved water and sanitation facilities, under the project


The PRSWSSP is through its planned interventions for behavior change, and water and sanitation investments are likely to provide dividends for the following:

  • Increase household saving due to health outcomes and enhancement in productivity due to better health projected through the provision of clean drinking water and proper sanitation
  • Save time in fetching water, particularly for girls, by providing piped water supply to all the households of a village
  • Water conservation through water metering and efficient monitoring
  • Improve socio-economic well-being of masses belonging to neglected areas
  • Eliminate stagnant water bodies which are generating water related diseases, through proper sewage treatment and disposal
  • Re-use of treated wastewater for irrigation, and as far as possible make it a source of revenue
  • Proper solid waste management including animal waste
  • Improve child care; lower morbidity rates in children; and reduce infant mortality rates
  • Reduce the incidence of waterborne disease
  • Strengthen Tehsil Councils by improving their capacity to deliver services efficiently

Scope of the Project

At the end of this project, the typical village household will have a metered supply of treated water fit for human consumption and a household toilet connected to a septic tank, drainage network, and wastewater treatment facility. The household will keep the hygiene loop closed through practices that ensure safe water storage and handling and prevent exposure of water to common sources of contamination such as solid waste, animal waste, and human waste. Ultimately, the household members will not be susceptible to any of the five pathways for fecal-oral transmission – food, flies, fingers, fields, and fluids – and will have access to suitable quality water that maximizes their nutritional gains and protects children from diarrhea and stunting.
